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September 16, 2011

New Blog?! "the shit camera"

I have always loved analog photography. The digital days have their perks BUT, point and shoot with some good ole film has a great sense of anticipation in my book. I love that you never really know what you are going to get. You don't get the instant feedback that a digital camera provides.
You have to finish the roll...wait and see...get it developed and there is the moment of truth when you can actually see what happened with that roll.
Just purchased off the shelf at Walgreens some B/W 35 mm 400iso film. Got 3 rolls.
Going to put it to the test with my newly purchased "shit camera" bought at the East Bay Depot for Creative Reuse.
I used to own a Vivitar focus free just like this >>> (photo found at this great blog Life on film | analogue photography),
which was then my "shit camera." Who knows where that went. I just remember loving the light weight of this camera and the point and shoot experience. And lo and behold when the film was developed, you never knew what this little camera was capable of. It is all spelled out on film.

I've owned many "shit cameras" but lets give this Bell + Howell and try and see what happens!
[Just found out this "shit camera" is really really a piece of shit. shutter doesn't work. hmmmm i could take a continuous roll of film by just advancing the shutter. Almost like a stop motion. hmmmmm. we will see]

A R T is

a nurturing process.

of the brain

well being

in time. in place. create. escape.

working on "get lost swirly eyes" by final SOLO show at San Jose State University.

very excited for this. i have been contemplating so much as a practicing artist and how if i can get over this hump and get on to the next would be a thrill.

Visit my blog specifically for this show to find out MORE! ----->